The series revolves around a bachelor who chooses a potential wife from among 25 women. The show follows the bachelor as he goes on a series of dates with the women, some of them group dates, some one-on-one dates. On each episode women are eliminated, generally during the rose ceremony at the end of the episode, but sometimes on the dates (during what are called "elimination dates"). The process culminates towards the end of the season with a few of the women going on overnight dates, and meetings between the bachelor, the women, and their respective families. At the end of the show, the bachelor chooses one woman with whom he would like to continue a relationship. Sometimes he proposes marriage, sometimes other levels of commitment.The runner-up from the first season, Trista Rehn, later starred in The Bachelorette, a spin-off program in which the format is gender-reversed.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Spurned Dallas businessman Sean Lowe seeks a second chance at love as the matchmaking contest's Season 17 bachelor.
The episode was rated 6.43 from 14 votes.
Sean takes the ladies to Malibu for a game of beach volleyball, after which the winners spend the evening with him and the losers return to the mansion. Elsewhere, one of his romantic encounters has the potential to break a world record for the longest on-screen kiss. Thirteen women remain after the rose ceremony.
The episode was rated 6.50 from 12 votes.
A two-night Bachelor special event begins with Sean whisking the remaining 11 bachelorettes away to picturesque Whitefish, Montana, to explore his romantic connections.
The episode was rated 6.73 from 11 votes.
Sean visits the hometowns of the final four bachelorettes. One woman is eliminated.
The episode was rated 7.07 from 14 votes.
The 19 survivors of the opening ceremony move into the mansion. Sean goes on his first one-on-one date, which involves a free fall off a Los Angeles skyscraper; and later, a group date involving a Harlequin photo shoot takes place. At the rose ceremony, the playing field is reduced to 16 contenders.
The episode was rated 7.25 from 16 votes.
The two night special concludes with Sean and the bachelorettes go on a trip to the Canadian Rockies; during a group date, Sean asks seven bachelorettes to take a plunge in icy-cold Lake Louise; the women try to advance their connection to Sean during a snowstorm.
The episode was rated 7.31 from 13 votes.
A gritty warehouse is the location for a topsy-turvy roller derby with Sean and eight of the bachelorettes. Sarah faces another physical challenge that causes her to have emotional breakdown, but Sean proves to be supportive and helps her to try and overcome her fears. All of the women push themselves past their limits until one woman falls hard and is rushed to the hospital. At the after party that night, fireworks erupt as Robyn and Tierra clash, leading one of them to storm off, threaten to leave and then dissolve in tears. It's up to Sean again to comfort the distraught woman and to figure out if the tears are genuine or crocodile, meant to manipulate him into giving her a rose.
The episode was rated 7.42 from 12 votes.
The episode was rated 7.43 from 14 votes.
The episode was rated 7.60 from 10 votes.
Sean and the six remaining bachelorettes visit the Caribbean island of St. Croix. While there, one woman reveals a surprising fact about her past that could ruin her relationship with Sean. Later, Sean's sister arrives to help him sort through his feelings. Two women are eliminated.
The episode was rated 7.67 from 12 votes.
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